I live in the United States. Will I Have to Pay Taxes and Import Duty on My Order?

Jonathan N

Last Update 6 months ago

We ship to the USA daily. In our experience, Customs fees/import duty for Mullan Pproducts is typically between 3 - 5% of the total order value.

For example, an order totalling $1877 with shipping to WA had customs fees of $83.54, approximately 4.45% of the total order value.

This example provides insight into what to expect, but fees will vary depending on the decision made by US Customs and Border Protection (U.S. CBP) after inspection and processing.

The courier company usually invoices the recipient for customs charges via email (provided the correct email address is provided during purchase). This invoice is sent in advance of delivery, but occasionally payment will be requested upon delivery. Goods will only be released to the recipient once all fees are paid.

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